How do we as a human species communicate? Have you ever thought about this? Sure, there is always subconscious communication, but mostly, we communicate through words.
Whether the communication is verbal or non-verbal, we use words combined into sentences in order to get our message across. It could be a simple “hello” or words used in an advertisement which is designed to sell a product or a service.
When it comes to words in business, there is a concept that most businessmen are aware of, especially those specializing in online businesses:
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization
Before talking about Amazon SEO, let’s first briefly go over what SEO or Search Engine Optimization actually is.
Imagine you have a website. It could be any website such as an online store or even a simple portfolio website. Usually when you search something on Google, it can come up with millions of search results and you definitely want your website to be on the first page, as opposed to page 36! Why? Because research shows that most people will not even bother going to the second or third page of Google’s search results, and get what they need from the very first.
So, how do you end up on the first page? By using SEO!
SEO basically helps increase both the quality and the quantity of traffic to your website, in a way that is organic. What do we mean by organic? People who visit your website because whatever you have to offer there is exactly what they are looking for, and the visits to your website are not randomly generated. You basically “optimize” your website for search engines.
How Does It Work?
Let’s imagine that you type “How does SEO work” in a search engine like Google. You’ll be provided with hundreds of links to different websites that can your question.
Search engines (Google being the biggest one) have a feature that is called a “crawler.” What this feature does after you search something on the search engine, is go through all the data available on the search engine, and creates what is called an index based on the information it has gathered regarding your question. It then finds the best matches to your question with specific algorithms, and that’s where all those search results come from.
So how do you optimize for these search engines?
You start to produce content which goes on your websites, making them more likely to pop up in search results and catch people’s eye, drawing them to your business. Anything can affect optimization, from the word count of your content, the titles you use, as well as the backend meta description.
So How Does All of This Relate to Amazon?
Well, think about it! Amazon is as much of a search engine as Google is! How many times have you searched for an Amazon product there? Have you ever gone to the second page? Probably not! Because it is a proven statistics that 80% or more of Amazon shoppers buy their product from the first page. So, if you were a brand owner, you would prefer your product to be on that page instead of even the second one. And SEO can help you get there. Especially if you have an Amazon product page. You want to make sure that everything there is optimized enough to help you generate sales!
If you do not fully utilize Amazon SEO, or utilize it incorrectly, it will result in less people checking out your store/products, and therefore much less sales.
Also keep in mind that Amazon SEO has a completely different algorithm compared to other search engines. In fact, each search engine has a different algorithm. Let’s take a look at how these things work on Amazon:
The Amazon algorithm we just mentioned has a name: A9! And it is a world of its own. We are not even going too much into detail regarding this algorithm because, quite frankly, nobody really knows how it works.
We know one thing though! If you want to optimize your Amazon product page, you need to pay attention to two aspects: how relevant your products are, and how they perform.
How Can I Optimize an Amazon Product Page
Start with the first, and most important part of SEO: the product name. Amazon actually has requirements regarding the title of the products which are listed on its platform. Obviously you have to include the brand name, what the product is made of, the color, the size, the quantity (if the listing is a bundle), and if possible, a very short, clear-cut description of what the product actually is and what it does.
Make sure you do not overdo with the keywords, because it might actually backfire. Sometimes less is more, and this is one of those times! You want keywords that matter, not keywords for the sake of being wordy!
Bullet Points Point to Sales
Each listing on Amazon has a description section. Many novice sellers try to cram as many keywords in there as possible, when in reality all you need is up to five concise bullet points which get your point across and accurately describe your product down to the very last detail. Make sure you keep this in mind, because it is an integral part of Amazon SEO.
There are quite a lot of other factors influencing Amazon SEO, such as backend keywords, and even images and reviews! They are also made up of words, and words count on Amazon!
Keep in mind that using the wrong keywords on Amazon will actually be quite problematic for your career, because Amazon is very picky and suspends sellers on its platform for reasons as trivial as using the wrong words, or descripting the items wrong.
If you ever find yourself suspended on Amazon for this reason, or any reason at all, you know where to find us! Got Suspended Clients will assess your case, draft a tailored appeal, and get your account back from Amazon’s clutches in no time! Contacts us anytime for advice and consultation!