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FBA – Post-Christmas Shenanigans

Hello, dear Amazon FBA sellers! Congrats! One of the craziest periods of the year is behind us, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

But not today, if you really want to protect your FBA business from any possible risks! Especially after Christmas and New Year’s.

There are no doubts that the holiday period is considered to be one of the most profitable and fanatical periods of the year. That’s because during this period, you can sell everything in a very short period of time. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and you, as an FBA seller, have to be extra careful, since you can make some serious mistakes which will have a direct impact on your Amazon business.

Today, we are going to share with you some tips which will help you overcome post-Christmas challenges, and run a successful post-Christmas FBA business!


Tip # 1

Don’t Lower Prices!

Holiday season is behind us, but it doesn’t mean that the period of high sales is also over. A huge number of people rush to buy the stuff that they really want and need. Thus, if you lower your prices, it can have a very serious impact on your profit. So, do not panic, and try to concentrate on providing good service to your customers.


Tip # 2

Keep Tracking After Christmas Sales

As an FBA seller, you are provided with a bunch of benefits over other sellers. Generally, after Christmas, a ton of items will be left with item listings which are out of stock. So, do not miss this “Aha!” moment in order to turn a really good profit. Your main mission is to check both online and physical stores in order to figure out what is on sale currently and what type of products are out of stock. You may be surprised, but there are a large number of Christmas products which are still popular among the sellers, since they are sold at very attractive prices. So, don’t be shocked if you face Lawn decorations in April or Ornaments in June!


Tip # 3

Look Closely to the Past Year

If you do not want to go wrong in your FBA business, then it is better to look back at your past year sales. By doing this, you can understand which products were especially popular during this period and which of them can work for you this year. You can also set new FBA goals for the upcoming year; it will help you develop your FBA business, and put it on the next level. Otherwise, you risk having serious losses within your FBA business.


Tip # 4

Put Your Profit Back!

Another useful tip which can help you get through this period of time, is to put your Q4 profit back into your Amazon FBA business. There are an endless number of opportunities that you can develop during this period. Try to devote a considerable amount of time in order to understand what is really important for your business now. Maybe it is a new laptop, or a completely new niche of products. So, if you want to invest your money and are not sure what is really going to fly on Amazon, you can contact Jerome Basilio’s team and we will help you choose the best niche for you to sell on Amazon. Additionally, we will support you in finding the best wholesale suppliers who will provide you with high-quality products which you can sell via FBA!




Jerome Basilio

Assisting businesses with Wholesale and Multimarket Management services is a passion of mine and that is why I formed Basilio Corporation, providing such services for 84 companies as of today. Basilio Corporation has sold a total of 52 stores for seven figures, in open digital exit broker companies. The company has partnered with Khachaturov Group, a leader in multiple industries, which has strengthened its resources. Over the years, I have used my experience to consult top players in the business, and mentored minds which became influential millionaires in the eCommerce sphere.

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