Done for you services? Aren’t all services done for someone?
Not exactly!
Many companies make money by offering “done for you services with 60 day money back guarantee and realtime results” solutions which are, in reality, not done for you! How come? Well, because they offer and apply the exact same services for other companies. This is what we like to call a “cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all” approach to a “lookalike audience”, which is an easy way to make money off of people who are not very aware of the situation. “Pay a hundred dollars, we’ll make you rich in a short period of time, even 24 hours.” Yeah, right!
Becoming successful is never easy!
And whoever says it is, is lying!
In fact, it may take a long time, and each business takes a different course. You cannot expect all businesses to grow at the same place, using the same methods. You need unique solutions for each business!
Take this analogy as an example, it’s one of the best ones:
If you take the same pressure and apply it on 10 pieces of coal, not all of them turn into diamonds. Because a “one-size-fits-all” solution does not fit all. And this is a physical/chemical reaction already proven to work, and it does not work the same way every single time.
When you bring your business to us or decide to invest in our company to create a new one, we will first of all make sure what exactly your business needs, and then we will mold our done for you services specifically to your business! Of course, you are more than welcome to try on your own! There are tons of “affiliate marketing training program”, “Facebook marketing training program,” “Facebook ads program,” and other courses available online which you can purchase and learn from.
However, we are offering you shortcuts! We already have the technical skills, and the experience! And just like they say, it’s already proven to work. Oh, and one more thing, it’s done for you!
Catering to Your Needs: Your Own Services System
There are many services that businesses need, and even though these services are the same in nature, they can be quite different in execution. Let’s talk about a bunch of services that all businesses need:
Email Marketing:
Email marketing is basically marketing tool you use to get prospective customers through, well, email. Every time you business sends out any sort of emails, they are considered to be part of email marketing. Even it though it sounds as simple as sending an email, it actually requires a lot of work and takes a lot of time to plan out. For example, there are 7.674 billion people in the world. Are you going to send out emails to all of them? Even if you want to, how are you going to get their emails? You cannot just send emails to everyone. You need to target a specific audience who are actually interested in the products or services you have to offer. And then you need to know where those emails are going to lead. You have to design at least one landing page, blogs, content, and so many other things. Speaking of customers…
The Art of Lead Generation: Not Everyone Is a Customer
People are not just born customers. They do not instinctively know your brand, services, or products. You need to turn them into customers!
For that, you need to familiarize yourself with the art of lead generation.
This is basically a series of processes designed to attract customer to your services or products. Again, same with email marketing, you need to preach to a specific crowd, and not just everyone. If you spend money on advertising to everyone, you will never be able to succeed! And guess what? We know exactly how to pinpoint your target audience and get your business noticed!
Take Advantage of Social Media
These days, advertising is mostly done through social media, and platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. In fact, Facebook marketing is a very clever strategy of selling your goods and services. Especially if you have a business account and run a Facebook group for your business. But not everyone can do it perfectly. Facebook advertising, just like lead generation and email marketing, is a world of its own. And if not professionally done, it’s just money that goes to waste.
But what does all of this lead to?
Well, the whole point of running Facebook ads, lead generation, email and digital marketing is to get your customer to do something very simple: click!
There has to be a link that the customer should click, and that link should direct them to what we call a landing page…
A Landing Page to Save the Day
If your business is online, then it definitely needs digital marketing. If it needs digital marketing, then it definitely needs a landing page, or two, or three. But what are landing pages?
Basically, a landing page is the rabbit hole that your customer finds themselves in (in a good way!) when they click on one of your ads. The best landing page is usually made up one just one page which describes your business, and is designed to “sell” your service or product. You have to have your landing page ready after going through the process of building your marketing strategies.
What are you going to market if you do not have landing page to “sell” it?
The Done For You Services We Do For You
Want to run a Facebook marketing compaign for your business that actually works? Want a landing page that is guaranteed to sell your products and services? What about affiliate links for your prospective affiliates? Do you wish to succeed without having to go through vigorous training?
Hover over to our services! When we say they are done for you, they are actually done for you! Not one of our strategies is using for more than one business. We will assess your specific case, your business, and we will come up with solutions that are designed to make you succeed! We guarantee that whatever we design for you will not work on another business, because, well, it was done for them!
Drop us a call today and let’s see what we can do to make your business skyrocket!